Dana presented at Local University Edmonton today — here are her slides and additional resources.

Understanding Web Analytics

To set up the Google Dashboard that Dana mentioned in her talk, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Google Analytics account.
  2. Import the “By City” custom report here.
  3. Now, based on how you’ve set up your goals, you have two dashboards to choose from:

If you have an e-commerce website and track revenue, use this dashboard. If you are tracking goals but not revenue, use this dashboard.


We know data can be overwhelming. Let's break it down together!

Black and white portrait of Dana DiTomaso

Dana enjoys solving problems that haven’t been solved before. With her 20+ years experience in digital marketing and teaching, she has a knack for distilling complex topics into engaging and easy to understand instruction. You’ll find Dana sharing her knowledge at digital marketing conferences around the world, teaching courses, and hosting a technology column.

Learn more about Dana