Google Analytics 4 has powerful capabilities that, once unlocked, you can use to make informed business decisions, optimize your marketing campaigns, and demonstrate ROI to leadership. GA4 can be mystifying to even the most seasoned marketers, which is why we created our Practical GA4 course!

Stop feeling stuck navigating GA4’s interface, setting up event tracking and conversions, or interpreting the new reports! Start learning how to leverage GA4 to benefit your digital marketing campaigns.

Eager to sign up, but unsure if your company will invest in proper GA4 training? You’ve come to the right place—we’ve written an email template for you and have laid out the benefits of this course to help you get buy-in from your boss!

Get The Email Template

Turn Data Into Useful Insights to Help Your Business

Knowing how to get your data is one thing, knowing what to do with it is another. Our Practical GA4 course teaches you both. When you invest in our Google Analytics training, you’re not only enhancing your skill set, you’re empowering your entire team with invaluable data-driven insights to help inform business decisions.

Once you’ve completed the course, you’ll have the skills and ability to analyze website traffic, user behavior, and conversion rates, providing you with a  better understanding of your audience and their interactions with your website, social accounts, and marketing campaigns. This data will help you further optimize marketing campaigns, improve website performance and user experience, identify emerging trends, and target specific demographics more effectively.

Use the wealth of information that is available in GA4 to:

  • Generate actionable insights
  • Inform your decision-making
  • Achieve your business objectives more efficiently and effectively
  • Demonstrate your value to stakeholders and leadership

Turn Data into Actionable Insights

Flexible Training That Pays for Itself

Practical GA4 is a strategic move for you and your team, allowing you to optimize your budget and quickly earn back your investment into analytics training.

Advantages of Online Training Over Traditional Conferences

Online training is more cost-effective when compared to conference expenses, meaning you can stretch your training budget further while still gaining valuable insights. You’ll save on the cost of:

  • Travel
  • Accommodations
  • Ticket prices
  • Meals

Unlike a conference, the pre-recorded lessons means you can fit training into your schedule. Learn GA4 anywhere, anytime, at a pace that works for you. With lifetime access, you can revisit lessons at your leisure and reinforce knowledge when needed. 

By choosing Practical GA4 and the online training format, you’ll not only save on expenses, you’ll learn in a flexible and accessible environment.

Bring Analytics Training In-House

Internalize the expertise you need to analyze and interpret data effectively! By bringing your outsourced analytics work in-house, you’ll reduce your reliance on external resources and streamline your decision making-process. Gain greater control over your data and ensure its accuracy, security, and alignment with your business goals.

Take Advantage of Parity Pricing

KP Playbook offers parity pricing for 142 eligible countries with the goal of creating more equitable access to our digital marketing training programs. Parity pricing allows us to change the cost of our courses so that the price you are paying better reflects what the cost would be in your country’s currency.

Get Templates, Resources, and Real-World Advice

Enrollment in Practical GA4 includes ready-to-use templates, checklists, and resources. These resources are created by seasoned analytics experts and are ready to be put to use — right away!

Instead of spending years developing and perfecting your templates, why not take advantage of resources that have been tested, tried, and found to be the best method?

Here are just some of the resources you will have access to:

  • Campaign Tagging Tool Template
  • GA4 Parameter Reference
  • GA4 Audit Template

Get Access to a Supportive Community with Direct Feedback from the Expert

Gain access to a community of fellow learners. Learning doesn’t happen in isolation—the Practical GA4 community offers peer support, collaborative problem-solving, and the opportunity to share insights and experiences. 

The course instructor, Dana DiTomaso, is also an active member of the community. She is dedicated to providing personalized guidance, answering questions, and facilitating discussions. The community is open 24/7, so if you get stuck on something, you can turn to your analytics friends for support!

From Set-Up to Data-Driven Success in One Week

In Practical GA4, you’ll get step-by-step instructions on how to create a GA4 property and optimize your setup for your goals and tracking needs.

If you’re working from an existing property, we’ll show you how to identify any red flags in your current setup and how to troubleshoot. Regardless of your starting point, you’ll gain confidence knowing your implementation is right and any business decisions moving forward are informed by accurate data. 

If you spend about an hour a day learning, you can finish the course and implement what you’ve learned in less than a week! The skills and knowledge you develop, as well as the ready-made templates and resources, will help your team and your business find growth as you spend budget more efficiently and direct efforts to areas with the best ROI.

Use Your Budget More Efficiently

Get the training you need to make data-driven decisions that maximize the value of your budget! With a deeper understanding of GA4, you’ll learn how to track marketing campaign performance, website traffic, and conversion rates. Use this knowledge to identify which marketing channels and strategies are giving you the highest ROI and which channels you should allocate your budget to, so you can focus spending time and resources where they will have the most impact.

Along with the skills and knowledge you’ll gain from Practical GA4, you’ll also get the confidence you need to bring any outsourced analytics work in-house and customize your analytics strategies to suit your unique needs and evolving objectives.

Demonstrate ROI and Marketing Value to Leadership and Clients

Arm yourself with data to confidently communicate to leadership and stakeholders the value of your digital initiatives. Practical GA4 will show you how to leverage GA4’s powerful reporting capabilities to clearly show both the data that clients and stakeholders want to see, and the data that you know is actually important 😉.

Learn how to make individualized reports for different purposes and people. For example, you might have a report specific for the marketing team that contains only the metrics they need to quantify the ROI in digital marketing. Additionally, you can create a separate report for that one person who only cares about email campaigns, or click rate, or whatever!

Developed by an Analytics Expert

Set your analytics practice up for success when you learn from the best! Dana DiTomaso, founder of KP Playbook and president and partner of Kick Point, used her 20+ years of experience in digital marketing, analytics, reporting, and SEO to develop Practical GA4.

Everything Dana shares in the course is informed by her years of building and implementing robust analytics plans for a wide range of businesses and industries, training well-known brands, and speaking at conferences around the world. As a bonus, Dana genuinely enjoys helping people with their tricky GA4 problems and coming up with creative solutions.

Get a Discount to Train the Whole Team!

Data doesn’t lie — invest in the growth of your team by taking advantage of our volume discount. Not only will you save on costs, you’ll ensure your team develops the skills to optimize performance and drive growth effectively. Seize this opportunity to empower your team to build knowledge and make data-driven decisions!

Become a Team of Analytics Experts

Break the Ice with this Email Template

We’ve done the hard part—all you have to do is press send! This email will help convince your boss that signing up for Practical GA4 is a solid investment. 📧 Click here to copy the template!

Hi [Insert Manager’s Name],

As you know, we’ve been struggling to report on results since the switch to GA4 and we need to improve our analytics skills.

I’ve found a Google Analytics course, Practical GA4 (, that offers hands-on learning, real-world examples, and direct instructor support. Not only will we learn how to get valuable insights out of GA4, we will learn how to analyze our data.

The course covers everything we are currently struggling with when it comes to analytics:

  • Mastering Analytics Basics: Understand and demystify core analytics concepts to build a strong foundation.
  • Harnessing GA4’s Powerful Features: Learn how to expertly implement events, key event parameters, and conversions to measure and evaluate website and marketing performance.
  • Creating Custom Reports: Craft reports tailored to our business goals, and leverage GA4’s advanced Explorations features for deeper insights.
  • Driving Better Decisions: Quickly answer critical business questions, assess results efficiently, and gain insights to identify successful strategies and areas for improvement.

The instructor is Dana DiTomaso, who has over 20 years of industry experience and has worked with hundreds of clients, and spoken on analytics and reporting at major marketing conferences. Her expertise will help us achieve our analytics goals.

The cost is $279 USD per person, which is substantially less than a ticket to a conference or a workshop. There is even a team discount if we get everyone on board. The course includes lifetime access, templates, resources, a private online community where we can ask implementation questions, and a certification upon completion.

Let me know if I can go ahead and enroll myself and/or the rest of the team in the Practical GA4 course (

[Your Name]
[Your Position]
[Your Department]
[Your Company]

📧 Click this link to copy the pre-written email above and send it to your boss!

Don’t Delay, Make Data-Driven Decisions Today

Amy Headshot in Black and White

Amy is KP Playbook’s Community Support Specialist, she loves to create useful resources that help people develop new skills and strategies that can be put into play right away. Amy’s career has been focused on writing content that is useful, accessible, and easy to understand. She has worked on in-house marketing and communications teams since 2012.

Learn more about Amy