Black and white portrait of Matt Remley.

Matt Remley

Customer Support Manager

Matt builds bridges between people and their goals with his communication skills. If you have any questions about your KP Playbook course, community access, billing, or have spotted a bug, he’s your go-to guy! He believes there are no silly questions, and even if he doesn’t know the answer to a question, he will know how to get you the help you need.

Matt’s Disney Institute training taught him how to prioritize competing needs while keeping customer happiness at the core of his work. Many intense holiday seasons as an Apple product specialist made him trust his ability to handle all that comes his way with a contagious sense of calm. The answer to every question and the solution to every problem exists — in all of his roles and this one, Matt helps people find what they need.

Eight years of agency work highlighted for Matt that there’s a big tendency in our industry to over-promise and under-deliver. One prominent reason Matt believes this happens is that people and teams at agencies are all too often tasked with doing more than the depth of their knowledge permits. Being part of solving this endemic problem by making practical, actionable content available and accessible to the industry serves as a great inspiration for Matt’s work on KP Playbook.